LED光源文件是我自己手打的spcd格式文件,另存为txt格式后,tracePro还是无法识别,光源不知道怎么准确输入; Moveon Technologies employs software like TracePro, OSLO, Zemax and Code 5 to design different types of lenses and optical systems. 6 MB) CDM-6_Zx (268 MB) The ZEMAX, CODE V and OSLO lens design translators scan the file for potential problems and warn the user if any are encountered. The following two plots show the measured speedup of OpticStudio using from 1 to 40 processes for the Xeon system and 1 to 48 processes for the Opteron system. Light rays propagate through the model with portions of the flux of each …. Tracepro vs zemax However, unlike the Z-C, the C-Z process take place in a DOS.